Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Skye's Flat Stanley Visits the Wagners House

Last night Skye's Flat Stanley from Florida visited the Wagners house. We drew a picture together and then we played can't let the ball stop. We had jelly after school but FS didn't like it. We had cheese pasta bake for tea and FS liked it. He got ice cream after tea and we made a bed for FS in my room.In the morning I saw FS sleeping on the ground. In the morning we played another game of can't let the ball stop. Then we went to school in the car.
By Sarah


Anonymous said...

Wow I like the flat stanleys I wish you did this when I was in room 4.


Ewok said...

Flat Stanley was lucky to get ice cream after tea! I wonder if Flat Stanley fell out of bed during the night or if he preferred to sleep on the ground rather than the bed you made.
